1) Hello all my monsters and aliens, I am back after a 2 months MIA from this site. Really busy with school thus the lack of update. Just ended MST on 14/12. Thank god I only have 2 papers as compared to the 5 papers I had last semester. Hopefully I can pass my Microecons paper instead of falling like how I did for my Macroecons. A bloody 49/100 made me cried like a bitch.

2) OH YEAH I PASSED THE OTC INTERVIEWWWW. SO EXCITED TO ATTEND THE CAMP ON THE 28-30TH HEHEHEHE. When the results was released, I was watching HP7 with Dex Lee. So I used his iPhone to check and damn LOL I said OMG damn loudly in the theatre paiseh max! But who cares I am fuck happpyyyyyyyy!!

3) So now I am having my 2 weeks break till 3/1 next year. I am so packed up with all the activities! X'mas party, OTC, 5th batch chalet YEAHHHHHH. Pray hard that I wont procrastinate and able to finish all my assignments SO I CAN HAVE FUN WITH NO WORRIES :D

4) Hmm, I dont know what else to say because I have lots to blog about! Okay after my MST on the 14th, went out to Bugis with Momo and Wendy. 15th, had project meeting in school for 6 solid hours. 16th, meet up with Angela and Eliot for our Entrepreneurship project at National library.

5) 17th, back to school for TPSU X'mas party! Great to see all the familiar faces again :D 18th, town with Novir peeps to celebrate Shawn's belated 18th birthday! Had KFC for dinner and chilled out at Dg's Starbucks till 1130pm. Man I love this group of people they are so awesome (L)

6) 19th, had a new haircut because my fringe is getting irritation keep poking into my eyes. But now I regretted because it's SUPER SHORT and I look like a retarded now )': You can see my eyebrows damn clearly CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW SHORT IT IS?!?!

7) Plan: Staying at home from 20-22th to finish up as many work as I can. But hehehe am going to get my Manicure with Wen on 22th evening. So that means I need double up my speed to complete my work!

10) Okay I promise to update this
nobody-read-blog of mine as frequently as possible. Even if the entry might be short but I will still make an effort to do so. But for the time being, I am spending more time here.