2) Meet up with clique at Esplanade at around 5 plus in the evening. Best timing because waking up early is so not my forte HAHAHA. Then we settled down in this restaurant yumyum.
3) Not really a fan of chocolate flavour but who the hell can resist chocolate fondue?! OMGGGG the bananas and banana cakes were so awesome to go along with the melted chocolate! I really love bananas y'know! (:
4) So this is the so-called chocolate pizza we tried out. We like damn loving coz we are basically feeding each other and everything. Double the sweetness.
5) The must-try chocolate i-forgot-what-it's-name recommended by the waiter. I love the melted chocolate (L) Some photo quality not very good coz I was busying eating LOLOLOL.
7) The cakes photos are uploaded on Facebook in Wen's album HAHAHAHA I forgot to save them. Present? A red Braun buffel wallet. Using it, lovin' it. Thanks guys!
8) Left the place at around 10 plus because the rest still have school the next day. At that time Jasper, Liang and I was like boasting because we only start school the following week LOL.
9) Reached home at around 1130pm that day, felt so bad because my parents fell asleep while waiting for me to be back to celebrate for me /: But Momo woke up though! They bought my fav Durian cake from Emicake major yums. No candles, no birthday song. I'm fine without those. At that point of time, I only know that I'm so fortunate to have my family and friends around me (:
10) Lol @ the serviette which clique bought it to serve the cake. Cute much? After reaching home for like 20 minutes, I left house for supper with Liang, Duck and Jon at Rivervale Plaza's Mac LOL. Kay next's up, an entry for someone who recently just turned 18 on 4/11. And it's also the day I had my beautiful hangover.