2) So, outing on the 16th with Novir clique to celebrate the Oct/Nov babies! Went Suntec, played arcade (so not me I swear!), watched a movie and I forgot what it's the name already, had dinner at a foodcourt with no lights. I simply love hanging out with them :)

4) After dinner, found an awesome place to camwhore! It was a random pathway in the shopping mall and we just sat right down in the middle LOL. I still remember it's already like 10pm at night but we only left the place at around 11pm! Cool or cool? :D More on Facebook though.

5) And oh btw, I finally turned 18th on the 21st this month! Will post an entry regarding my 18th birthday celebration before school starts on Monday (: Speaking of that, I officially hate Thursday coz I start school at 9am and it only ends at 7pm. Not much of Monday blues though, coz I start school at 9am and it ends at 1pm hehehe.
Why is Gossip girl s4e6 taking so long? ):