1) Half of the month passed. Time indeed flies, no? School's starting in 8 days' time and my body clock still as screwed. I'm gonna miss October so muchhh.
2) So many events during this month! And the lazy me always choose to watch Gossip girl instead of blogging. I tried to upload the photos onto blogger for 2-3 times but always failed -_- Now finally can alreadyyyyyy.

3) 5th batchers steamboat outing on the 8th, and to celebrating Manting's 18th birthday as well. We walked around Chinatown area for almost an hour because we couldn't find the place lol. So long never meet up with 5th batchers I miss them so muchhhhhhhh hehehe.

4) They keep saying go there eat maggie mee very stupid lol. But nice leh! Maggie mee always save me from hunger at night yumyum. Oh anyway Kelmond's cooking damn nice. Especially his garlic-pork HAHAHAHAHA!

5) Picnic over at Barrage with Wen and Dex on 10/10/10. Then went to town to play L4D2 till 3am in the morning. Next, an impromptu trip for Mac breakfast at Rivervale Plaza at 530am in the morning with Wen because the both of us are complaining on Twitter how hungry we were. Last minute plans always work (Y) Reached home at around 7am, bumping onto some NCHS juniors who are heading to school lol.

6) Had been staying at home after that Barrage trip, chionging my Gossip girl. Now I'm waiting for the new episodes to be out for season 4. Oh my I cant wait! And my ANTM also! I just watched Cycle 15 episode 6 yesterday night hehehe. Waited for super long for 1 episode lor!

7) The 5th Batchers w/o Boyang and Ongggg. I really miss those band days ): Even though we always complain how tiring band was but we never fail to enjoy it! I guess everything will be so much different
if I'm in my poly band now /:
8) Suki Sushi with Lzb and Chan on the 15th to celebrate Chan belated 18th birthday! Outing with Novir clique on the 16th! Gonna head down to RP on the 20th to find Wen & co for movieeeee yay! Must make full use of my holidays before school reopens because I'm gonna chiong once sem 1.2 starts. No more nuasai92.
9) Should I watch HIMYM or Vampire Diaries? I watched 3 episodes of HIMYM a few days ago though. Not bad but can be quite boring also leh .___.
10) Prove to me that you care.