2) School's starting at 2pm. That's why it's 105am now and I'm still here blogging. I just started reading Twilight. Better late than never. So when I'm not online at night, most probably I'm reading. Heh.
3) Last presentation on Wed. Hurry I cant wait for this week to end. H-O-L-I-D-A-Y-S! (I'm like repeating myself over and over again) I wanted to plan so many outings to meet all my awesome bunch of friends. Sentosa, movie, shopping, stayover, picnic, and erm, studying S:
4) Nope, I dont hate everyone there. Just you. Whenever I see your face I just feel like slapping you. I will stop thinking. I will treat this as a lesson learnt. No more dramas. You lead your life, I lead mine. Enough said.
5) 130am. Kay I'm going off soon to read my book. Seriously speaking I am damn scared of the upcoming presentation. Damn, it's CommSkills. The standard was somehow higher. Fuck I shall practice a few more times before Wed. Kthxbai.