2) Left with two projects naoz. Econs and F&B. And then presentations. Damn I seriously suck at that. I dread public speaking. Well, kind of. Though I really love to talk. Okay I'm like not making any sense.
3) IHT presentation today. (Peekture above) And I guess I screwed it. Maybe because it's my first time, so I shouldn't have placed my expectations so high. But I just felt that I could do better.
4) POM and Econs presentations coming up on Monday and Friday. RHT lab test on Friday and IHT test on Saturday. Ohmygod it's all happening next week. I'm running out of time.
5) Like I said, July's a bitch. I'm glad I'm half-way through already. I need my holidays, badly. I dislike my panda eyes.
6) Teehee I bought one Disney Princess notebook to write down all the things I need to do for my projects, and all the upcoming tests/events blah blah. $1.20 only and it's damn chio.
7) 11:11! Okay I think I need to bathe naoz. Smelly smelly. Finished my part for Econs and F&B projects already. I'm planning to sleep early tonight.
8) When I look at my F&B menu list, it reminds me of F&N. I miss NanChiau's life. I miss studying Geography. I miss whining about F&N with my fellow F&N classmates.
9) Spain won the WorldCup! I know it's like damn slow to say this, but I've got no time to blog about it ): I slept for only 1 hour then need to prepare for school already. Classmates who watched the match all cui during tutorials and lectures. Especially tutorials. Tutors asked questions = all stare at the blank/no answers/silent. The scene damn LOL.
10) How about having a class chalet during the 1 month holiday in August? I want a class tee too! How how how naize idea? <: