2) Photos taken on Saturday (FO outing at Sentosa and dinner at Vivo) uploaded! Credits mostly to Belinda! Thanks to the rest for their cameras too! <:

3) First day of school today, or rather, yesterday (190410). Met up with my classmates and had breakfast together at Tampines Mall's Mac before heading to school for the first tutorial.
4) First was Commskills and it's totally like English lessons @__@! Then it was an 2 hours lecture and I almost fall asleep if I'm not eating sweets which Ting Wai gave me. The lecturer just goes on and on and on ...
5) The worst thing is, we are going to have tests on week 4 and till now I still don't understand a single thing that I'm studying. How great.
6) Dinner with Novir at night was seriously awesome! Spam photos onlyyyy, HAHAHAHA! As usual, will upload them once I've got it! This time is really a lot! :D
7) Failed, once again.
8) Am starting school tomorrow at 2pm. And that's why it's 110am right now while I'm typing and am still blogging and facebooking.
9) I want to do well in Poly. I want to try to make it into University. Am I crazy? Who doesn't want to?
10) I ♥ my new classmates, I ♥ Novir, and I ♥ you. Oh wait, I seriously look tan in those photos, no? Somehow I'm luving it O: