1) I'm back from Sentosa! Enjoyed my day ttm manxz. Luckily the sun ain't that strong this afternoon if not I think am really gonna look burnt /:
2) I guess all the photos will be uploaded soon. So once the photos are with me I'll upload them here. Seriously I want a camera myself. No more using that bullshiat handphone camera. Any recommendations?
3) Actually I didn't plan to post an entry tonight coz it's already 416am and who the hell will be reading this till tomorrow? Lol. Buttttttttttttttt! I FOUND THIS!
4) Business, what are we? WE-ARE-A-TEAM! These videos are awesome like obvious. So, is your school's orientation as happening as ours? (Y)
5) I'm like fucking nervous coz school's starting in less than 2 days' time! OHMYTIAN! S:
Courage, that's what I need the most.