Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Smile at me. Talk to me. Walk with me.

1) Ended my day with tutorial at 1pm today. Then Rachel accompanied me to give my lappy order form and to Tampiness Mall's Popular to get all the stationaries I need. Gosh, it has been 5 months since I last bought those stuffs manxz.

2) Novir dinner's photos up! All these are only from Alina's camera, hahahaha! Adelle still haven upload yet! Cant wait to look at those photos from Adelle's camera!

Band person go block my face!

Hahahaha focus on Joel please!

With Clarence.

With Joel. Adelle tried to come into the photo but failed. Hahaha!

With Hongkai.

With Alina.

Then the start of taking photos with the GLs!

Us with Kahhui.

Us with Sean.

Major urgh to Xuanyi! Spoil the photo! Lol.

Us with Melvin.

Us with Branda.

Us with Joses.

Us with Farhan and Joses.

Us with Farhan, Grace and Mujia.

With Ivan.

Us with Weixin.

Us with Celeste.

With Kenneth.

Us with Mattew.

Us with Boonhow.

Us with Dolyce, Ferlycia and Weixin.

3) Self reminder: Remember to print my lecture and tutorial notes later. Random I know but I luv my skin colour naoxz.

4) I don't know what CCA to join! Thinking of switching from indoor to outdoor sports for CCA but my friends all told me that the training drains energy like crazy O: Somehow after FOW, I find TPSU damn interesting! But I also don't want to stop playing my Saxo lehhhhxz.

5) HTM orientation tomorrow and I'm going to stay in school from 9am all the way to 11pm. ZOMGWTHBBQ! Cant wait to take a look at the HTM T-shirt though <: