Friday, April 23, 2010

Because your smile means everything,

1) Four days passed and first week of school is gonna end soon. The girls in my class are all fun-loving bunch of people. I like! Still didnt have the chance to talk to the guys yet though. Lol.

2) HTM orientation today and I thought that I would get my HTM T-shirt but they say they are going to pass it to us another day ):

3) Photos from Adelle's camera uploaded already! I thought got a lot but end up only these few O: I also dont know got miss out anot lehhhhhxz. LOL.

Focus on Xuanyi's eyes please! Lol.

With ShingLun.

With Nasir.

With Irena.

With Dolyce.

With Grace.

With ZhengQuan.

With Farhan. Lol see his chin I want to laugh onlyyy O:

I realised Xuanyi like to do funny faces. HAHAHA!

4) Tutorial starts at 12pm tomorrow and ends at 1pm. LOL. Dont know should be happy or sad, like seriously /:

5) Meeting up with Wen, Dex Lee, Ducky Kua tomrrow for dinner. Like yayyyyyyyyyxz. And I dont know what CCA to joinnnnn. Band again?