Saturday, April 24, 2010

Coz, 1H12 is coming!

1) Meet up with Dex Lee and Ho at NC for Noodles after school. Meeting time was 3pm but I only reached there at 345pm, HAHAHA!

2) Webcam with a total of 62 photos in the bandstore and we laughed until like nobody's biz. Shall upload some of the more funny ones here tomorrow!

3) Anyway here are some of the photos I've taken with my classmates during the 3 hours break we had on Thursday. Credits to Xinyi's camera! <:

4) So here are my new classmates! I think I'm going to have an awesome year ahead with them! Still didnt got the chance to take photos with the rest though. Next time next time! ^^v.

5) Okay so back to the main point, dinner at Cp's Pizza Hut with Dex Lee, Wen, Duckykua and Ting. The first thing we did when we saw each other? Guailanxzxz onlyyy, hahahaha!

6) Then we talk cock sing song till around 1120pm, and playing L4D2 on Wen's lappy in between (LOL) Eh damn long never play L4D2 already okay. Like, a week. ZOMGWTFBBQ O:

7) Saturday tomorrow and I think I'm going to stay at home to finish up all the homeworks and, I WANT TO PACK MY ROOM. Damn it it's messy again! S:

8) Do you know that, you have the most amazing smile ever?

9) I keep saying that I dont have enough sleep but almost everytime I'll just use the computer instead of going to bed early. Ohmytian I'm weird -_____-

10) It's like, nobody is reading this site. Why am I putting in so much effort? Okay it's 304am now I shall go hug my bed soon. Kthxbye.