Sunday, April 25, 2010

Even your smile shines brighter than the sun.

1) I'll smile to myself even when I saw you and your mega-watt smile in the photos.

2) All the webcam pictures we took in the bandstore on Friday before heading to Cp to have dinner with the rest. Like funny only. Had a great time laughing non stop. Now, your turn to laugh O:

3) I'm halfway through my homeworks. And seriously I think my printer is going to die sooner or later because there's way too many powerpoint slides to print for my Lecture notes! There's one with over a hundreds of slides please. Hey school, ink very ex you know.

4) I don't care I'm going to print in school next time already! Coz in school we only need to provide them with the papers. Swee.

5) Weekends are ending. 2nd week of school is starting. It's time to get busy. And I'm happy coz my classmates said that I don't look like 18. Swee x2.

6) After going through 11 years of education, this is the first time I'm going to say this. I luv my school. Yes, TP. And even though you might feel that it is still early to say this, but I didn't regret putting TP as my first choice.

7) I hate going shopping with a tight budget ):

8) Okay it's like 5am and I think I should sleep naoxz. Duckykua say I look old coz of my heavy eyebags. Ohmytian this sucks T__T

9) I swear, getting to see you around is the best thing ever.

10) I'm not beautiful. I'm ordinary-looking. I'm like a passerby. So lets start it all over again. ''Hello, my name is Doreen.''