1) Supz people. Here to post an entry again, hehehe. Went to Barrage with Chan, Debbie, Angela and Munyee on the 20th! It was drizzling at first when we were otw to take the shuttle bus, but when we reached there, the rain stopped and the weather was awesome!

2) Lzb couldnt make it for this outing coz her grandfather just passed away ): Nevermind kay! We can still go there again! Hehehee. Chomp chomp this week with her and Chan. Cant wait! I miss herrrrrrrrrrrrr so much.

Munyee made them!

3) Egg with mayo and tuna sandwiches, chips, cookies and grapes. Yumyum.

4) Munyee's kite! Manz we had a hard time getting the kite down coz the wind was really strong! And that was the first time I find it easy to fly a kite! Thanks to the wind hehehe. Thank god the sun wasnt that strong that day if not I will become chaoda.

Hi Debbie. HAHAHA!

5) Packed up at around 5 plus, trained down to Dg and watched Resident evil afterlife. The movie reminds me of L4D2 HAHAHAHA! I miss playing that game with ZhenHong and co ):

Cute or what?! LOLOL.

6) Gonna wake up early to meet up with Chan later on for job interview. Still have almost a month break before school reopens on 24th Oct. Better to get a job if not no money go shopping!

7) Oh yeah I got back my results already. No As, no Bs. All Cs and Ds. Fuck disappointed with my GPA but I keep telling myself that it's only the first semester in year 1 and I'm studying something so different from Secondary school. Well, no more excuses for semester 1.2.
Really need to work hard ): Sucks to be a slow-learner.
8) Went WWW with clique on the 24th. It started raining when we got into the water for around 3 hours, so the guys ended up playing bowling while the girls camwhored like crazy while the guys was bowling. Shall upload the photos here real soon :D
9) Finished my ANTM cycle 13 and 14 within a week. Cycle 15 episode 4 is not out yet so yeah. Shall start watching my Gossip Girl soon!
10) It's all in that six pages SMS. It's up to you now.