2) The only paper I'm more confident in was only POM. Least careless mistakes, wrote the most. Hopefully the result would be good.
3) IHT was average. But oh well, I had a D+ for my mock test and probably a F for the actual class test. To add on, I skipped IHT lectures for ONE MONTH because I couldn't wake up early. It's freaking 9am in the morning. So as compared to the two tests I think I did rather okayyyyy for this paper /:
4) Macro was a killer ): It's 60% of overall and I'm damn worried that supp paper is waiting for me already. Surprisingly RHT was manageable for me. Like hello la I skipped RHT lectures for how many times. But at least the paper still okayyyyyyyy sibei heng.
5) Last - F&B. Another killer la walao. I memorized this much of info I think they only come out like 30% of what I memorized?! Or maybe less than that -___- 20 marks essay questions I wrote all craps. Wish me luck manxz.
9) I had activities all planned nicely this week. Hehehehe.
Am going to collect my laptop laterrrr. Like finally after a month it's coming back to me. Wed going town to play L4D2 with Dex Lee and probably catching a movie with the rest after that. Thurs I'm free and Fri I'm going out with my Novir clique for Kbox. Saturday I'm going Malaysia to shopppppp.
10) When I woke up in the morning for my F&B paper, my head was like damn heavy and that feeling seriously suck. I'm gonna give myself a good long break, make use of this break to meet up with everybadeh! :D