1) Hello monsters and aliens, hehehe. It's going to be 2am soon. Shall blog and off for bed. 13/8 is a happy day. Well, sort of :)
2) Oh anyway, here are the pictures taken during the YOG event. Credits to Ferlycia! :D

3) Went down to Fujitsu Service Centre to get my laptop fixed with Dad. It better function well after 4 days there /: I kinda miss using my laptop though.

4) Got my new baby camera as well. Yesterday night, I told my parents that I wanted a camera for my birthday. And today, while walking around the mall to check out the different brands and prices for cameras, one of the promoter intoduced Canon IXUS 150.

5) Dad bought it on the spot. It was just a casual comment and I didnt expect my dad to get a camera for me so quickly coz my birthday is still about 2 months away.
I'M SERIOUSLY OVERJOYED. My first camera (L)

6) It might not be the best brand, it might not be the latest model, it might not be as good as compared to those DSLRs, it might not be very expensive or whatever. But still,
thanks Dad. I will use this as a motivation to study extra hard and use my results to repay you back.

7) After that, Dad went home while I went to meet Adelle, Petrina, Joel, Andy and Shawn at town. Andy and Shawn left while the 4 of us caught PCK movie. HAHAHA the movie very funny, I like!

8) Next week is a busy week for me! OMG like that how to study? .___.
Monday: Shopping with Joey, Hweemin, Wen.
Tuesday: Picnic with my 5 ladies at Barrage. Most likely.
Wednesday: Outing with Novir clique.
Thursday: Celebrate Duck's birthday.
Friday: Free.

9) Cannot cannot cannot. I must start studying or something already. People around me started their revision and I'm still slacking my days away.
10) Kay, time to sleep. I've been sleeping alot lately but I get tired easily too. Shit, what's happening to me?
I miss you, so much.