2) I wonder how I can managed to study for Os. The feeling is totally different now. No words can describe how much I missed my last year in Nan Chiau. I seriously miss secondary school.
3) Nothing is going into my brain. I cant afford to fail any of the papers. And I need at least an A for my F&B paper to pass that module. Keyword: AT LEAST. Major FML I swear.
4) I'm seriously damn stress now. Time is running out but yet on the other hand I'm always wasting my time away. Like now, instead of doing something productive/resting I'm here on Facebook/Twitter. I suck.
5) Life's hard. How I wish I'm still a kid. No worries, no stress, no studies. I'm so tired of this. Can everything just come to an end now? I hate myself for being so emo but I can't help it anymore. I just feel like giving up.
Need a shoulder. Badly.