2) CCN Day today! Business for the drink stall ain't that bad. At first I thought that it's difficult to finish up all the drinks we bought coz there are lots of stalls selling drinks too. But still, we made it!

4) I need to start my revision already. There's so much stuffs to memorise! -Apply how-to-study-F&N skills here-
5) Novir's dinner plus Jam & Hop after that in the evening. Manxz, it's really awesome and I truely enjoyed myself a lot! Not forgetting the Mass Dance and Chicken Dance too. Awww.
6) Andy and Joel really damn funny please. Only they will do lame stuffs with me, like pointing randomly at the sky to people like as if there's something there when there's nothing at all! Then they will have the blur ''see-what-face''. Hahahaha!
7) Xuan Yi started the touch-chin game and the rest will naturally look at me when his/her shoulder got tapped O: Shawn, got one time is Xuan Yi tapped you not me! Lol!
8) Gracegrace, Lyn, Adelle, Alina, Hafifah and Kayleng went as well! It has been weeks since we last meet up in school already lor! I bet there will be more opportunity in the future! Especially when Novir is meeting up every after 2 weeks for dinner! <:
9) 2am already. Dang.
10) Sorry if I irritates you at times. But all I can say is, you still don't know the real me yet.