1) Busy busy week for me. Commskills test coming up next Wednesday. A 600 words essay, and the model essay's grade printed in the textbook is only a B+. Sounds like am going to fail my first test in TP.
2) Angela the Devila drew this when she got so bored at night when all of us was online doing the F&B tutorial homework.

Then I asked her to draw me a door coz she give me a nickname call Door door! Hahahahaha!

Then she added herself inside. Devilaaaaa!

Banana = Ana, Skull = Joan, $=Munyee, 1.71 = Rachel, Meow meow = Cat.
3) Celebrated all the May babies' birthday on Monday. Photos credits to Auntie Meow meow!
Monday: (030510) Happy 18th Birthday Gabriel Tan, Happy 17th Birthday to Vanessa and Meiling!

Angela the Devila.

Joan, Ana, Cat, Munyee.

The 2 awesome Auntie Lims. Hahaha!

Lecture notes for RHT too heavy already, all carrying in hands. LOL.

With the guys. Xyrus, Sam and Weeming. Plus Tingwai's knife. Hahaha!

Clockwise: Ana, Munyee, Angela, Rachel, Joan, Sul, Xinyi, Vanessa, Meiling.

Munyee the money honey. What's up!

That's Debbie's default face! HAHAHA!

1H12! (Germaine left earlier coz she's not feeling well.)
With Tingwai.

Uncle Wee. LOL.

Like shy only can. LOOOL.

meow meow Lim your hand!

4) Okay it's almost 1am now and I'm having lessons tomorrow at 9am. Need to sleep soon if not tomorrow cui in school.
5) If only my printer have unlimited ink. Urgh. CCN this Friday, cant wait! Xinyi, time to camwhore!
If we ever meet again.