1) Was playing with ooVoo with Cat, Joan, Qinxian, Xianyang (then Xianda joined, Xyrus & Munyee other convo) till 330am in the morning and I need to wake up at around 745am for my 10am lessons today. LOL.
2) I tried so hard not to sleep. Heng today all tutorials not lectures if not I sure sleeping in the LT. It's 215am right now and I can't believe I'm still here blogging when I only slept for 4 hours.
3) Stayed back after school on Tuesday. Xyrus and Munyee went running while the 4 of us did nothing but slack and camwhore. HAHAHA.

Me, Auntie Cat, Auntie Joan, Uncle Wee.
(92, 91, 92, 91) HAHAHAHA!

Xyrus act only. LOL.

4) My eyes are closing already. Omg never felt so tired before - but for the wrong reason. Dang.
5) Novir glam outing tomorrow. I wanted to go but, Mid-Sem tests is coming up on the 31st May and judging from my current situation, I guess I'll have to make some sacrifice. Oh wait, there's still Novir Chalet coming up after Mid-Sem tests! <: