1) School's as per usual. During the 2 hours breaktime most of the 1H12 peeps went to the library to slack while waiting for the Macroecons tutorial to start. I luv my classmates. They are so fun to be with!
2) Rachel: Er-ahhhhh, there's no camera!
Ting Wai and I laughed like crazy because Rachel's facial expression was seriously way too funny! She look at the iTouch and said that sentence in a damn disappointed tone coz she's bored and was looking for a camera to camwhore. Hahaha!
3) TP Band's Tune in this evening. Played Enchanted and 7th Night of July. If you are there earlier on and was wondering who played the awful Saxo solo for 7th night, stop asking. Yes it's me.
4) My tone suck. I was out of breath. There isn't any flow. I came in like 1 beat early for the solo and missed the entire 5-6 bars of soli when I was playing it for the first time during the combined. Utterly embarrassed to no end.
5) Flew over to AVCC to meet Dex Lee, Wen, Ongmin and Ho. Cheeseburger for dinner at around 10pm when I reached there. Talk cock sing song till around 1130pm and took 372 home. Crapping with them somehow cheered up my mood.
6) Finally weekends are here. Time to grab some sleep. I've been yawning for i-dont-know-how-many-times for this entire week! Be it during lectures, tutorials, when I'm on bus, walking on the streets, in the toilet blah blah blah.
7) First you put the bun, then you put the patty.
8) Okay there's no photos for me to upload here today. Boring I know. My lappy is coming in 2 weeks time. I-CANT-WAIT. I just brought a lappy case for my new baby.
9) Saturday tomorrow, or rather, today. Gotta meet up with Dex Lee to studyyy. Staying at home only makes me feel nua and lazy. Unproductive ttm.
10) Okay it's like 315am naoxz. Go hug my bed alreadyxz. Oh before I forgot,